Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Inside Cover Research

I also analysed the inside cover of the newspaper samples I had collected, this helped me begin to develop ideas about how this page should be set up.
Inside cover research
This page often has a continued story from the front cover as the main article. This article has a picture included the majority of the time.
The text for this page again sticks to the six column format and designates the 4 centre columns to the main story on this page. The two columns at the sides have little stories in that are deemed to be less important.
This page doesn’t normally have any pictures apart from the image to go with this pages main article.
This page uses more adverts than the front cover and they are often bigger in size as well. The sponsors are normally locally based companies as this is a good way to gain publicity to their companies target audience since the newspaper is local.
Since the newspaper is a local one, all the stories involved in the papers I collected are about things to do with what is happening in the local area such as schools and sports events or other local news such as council information.

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